Elizabeth Bay Marina has existed for over 100 years and is a popular place for boaters, kayakers, residents and tourists visiting the area. A recent project where BSE delivered engineering services was for the upgrade of the marina to improve its functionality, amenity and safety for water users and local community. Due to deterioration of the previous structure, BSE’s Sydney team was appointed to design a modern marina facility to meet the current engineering and maritime safety standards. The $2.5million project was started in 2016 and completed in early 2018 with APP Corporation as the project manager for Roads & Maritime Services NSW.
Image Credit: Lahznimmo Architects Website, Photography by Steve Back
The Marina is located entirely below the mean high-water mark offering unique challenges to the design and construction team, such as detailed services coordination for precast elements, material selection to suit marine environments, securing of external services to the fixed and floating structures and implementation of authority requirements in an above water installation while achieving an operational and aesthetically pleasing building.
Image Credit: Lahznimmo Architects Website, Photography by Steve Back
BSE’s Sydney team delivered electrical, mechanical, fire and hydraulic services engineering along with NABERS certification for design, documentation and construction services for this project.
As part of the services design the following sustainability initiatives were provided:
- Alternative product selections to increase life expectancy of services
- Natural ventilation to plant rooms for reduction in power consumption
- Photovoltaics for the house electrical supply
- Solar collectors for the base building hot water system
- Rainwater reuse for wash down areas.
The marina will also provide a place for the community to socialise with a new café and outdoor seating area.