Cheerful City Walk

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City Walk is one of Canberra’s most important public places. Their design and use have changed over the decades to meet the needs of a growing and evolving City. City Walk is a wide, 400-metre-long street distinguished by the elegant, high former entry to the Monaro Mall, which fronts onto it.

The ACT Government committed to upgrade and revitalised City Walk, making it a more attractive, accessible, and welcoming space for people to use, relax and connect.

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 Given the significance of this location, our Canberra Team, led by Brendon Newham, were understandably excited to partner with City Renewal Authority (CRA) and Rork Projects to deliver the electrical services engineering and design, including lighting design across all stages of the project. BSE’s design was produced working closely with the project team, including construction to team to ensure streamlined install. The inclusion of DMX colour change LED light fittings was an intriguing innovation allowing users of the space to program the lighting and the ambiance to suit different seasons and activity.

 With outstanding results, this public space redevelopment provides Canberrans and visitors with a true designation.

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