BSE’s National Finance Manager, Nicki Fraser, has taken the time to reflect on the past Financial Year and how the BSE Group has weathered the COVID-19 storm and how it has affected BSE financially.
‘Business as Usual’
It is safe to say that the past financial year has had its challenges. BSE’s main objective was to keep our teams feeling connected and united throughout the storm that has been COVID-19 and all that comes with it. We achieved this objective by pushing through with the mindset of ‘Business as Usual’. By setting very clear and defined strategies financially for the business, we have been able to maintain our wonderful team, even increasing the size of our teams across all five offices. To have maintained 100% capacity and to grow was one of our main strategies when striving towards our “business as usual” commitment
‘Service, as Usual’
BSE isn’t BSE without the partnerships we provide, it’s part of our core value system and a huge component of our strategic planning. Navigating the past twelve months has been to ensure there was a consistency in the level of service we offer to all clients. This could not have been achieved without the constant building of partnerships from our Strategic Partnerships Team and the Engineering Teams whilst keeping the diversification of projects coming in. Financially through these great partnerships built, we have continued to sustain our high level of service. Without the whole BSE team working towards the same goals our achievements in the current COVID climate may not have carried as much success.
Strength in Each State
Our Financial Team has worked very closely with our Management Team, ensuring BSE continues its journey organically. The relationship between BSE’s Finance Team and QLD’s Cameron Webb, NSW’s Stuart Johnson, and ACT’s Brendan Newham has only grown stronger. There is however excitement for even further growth in the relationship between our financial team and our newly appointed state leads, for SA, Orlando Cavuoto has joined the team and in VIC, we are really pleased to have Terrence Hing on board. Across the past financial year, BSE has seen significant growth and expansion with interconnection of the national & state teams. BSE’s highly competent State Leads are given freedom and faith to ‘run their own ships’, this has been sustained over the COVID period. There have been a number of Federal and State Government cash flow boosts and the ability to defer certain payments where eligible. BSE have welcomed the initiatives that these government bodies have given to small businesses over this period. Victoria, for its very prolonged shut down has been eligible to even further entitlements and gifted funding. Opening our Adelaide office 2 months before COVID-19 has challenged the greater BSE team. However, through diligence and commitment we have partnered with a few key clients and are pleased to see our office beginning to grow and flourish.
The BSE Culture
A beneficial outcome of the past 12 months and our experiences across the pandemic is how well BSE’s flat management structure has served the wider national team. Our CEO, Andrew Fraser continues to update the whole BSE team on a Friday afternoon with what’s happening out in the greater workplace and then also updating the team with what each office is doing, work won and opportunities. These updates always finish with our National Strategic Partnerships Director, Godfrey Frederick entertaining us with jokes. On top of this, each state has their own internal cultural incentives with a budget to maintain a cohesive environment. BSE’s motto of ‘work hard and play hard’ is often captured on Friday afternoon drinks with a game’s afternoon, karaoke or just some chat and fellowship.
Financially sound
All in all, the year has been rewarding while still quite tough, it would be a lie to say it was easy. Financially we have pulled together as a company, cutting back where needed while still being able to reward the team for all their hard work. And because of this our team continues to forge forward with determination and drive and for this our success will continue. I’m proud to be part of such a great team and work with some amazing people.