We’re back with our Touch base with Team BSE series, this year focusing on our leaders and national team.
Meet Terrence Hing, our VIC Director.
In a couple of quick years, Terrence has grown our Melbourne office into a local powerhouse, a reputation for quality, buildable designs and a recent move into a bigger space for our team to continue to develop. Terrence’s broad experience and exceptional interpersonal skill align exceptionally as a BSE leader with a commitment to true multi-disciplinary sustainable solutions and practical project outcomes.
1. What is your background story?
Even as a young child, I was always interested in engineering – interested in maths, physics and programming. Was lucky enough to skip ‘A’ Levels into Microelectronics and Programming Diploma, then when arrived in Australia I did Electrical Engineering in Adelaide. It was such a good fit, I was able to combine interesting elements like technology, new developments, practical outcomes, nothing was ever boring.
As a discipline, electrical is so broad – switchboards, lighting, and communications as a few examples, are interesting and so essential to the bigger scope of the project. Over time, I found the aspects of a design that aren’t visible when complete (like the services) can be the most important. When graduating, I landed a job offer for building services in Construction and I’ve never looked back – it’s a really enjoyable aspect of engineering!
2. Did you choose engineering, or did it choose you?
I certainly chose it, I always wanted to do engineering, even if my family would have preferred medicine. I was always into designs, LEGO, programming, and interfacing different systems, the typical Engineer I guess. Even before starting formal study in my late teens, I was interested in how to integrate independent systems so the outcome is greater. And building services, well they’re a practical aspect of engineering, easy to talk about, a visual representation of the work done. The outcomes provide a great sense of achievement.
3. How do you feel services engineers add value to projects?
Specifically considering this from an electrical perspective; engineers are usually closest to the latest technology and innovations, clients rely on engineers to provide insights and new technology solutions and recommendations. Engineers can present alternate options to solve a problem and be the expert in efficient equipment options and lifecycle considerations for the buildings operations.
4. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Truthfully? Spending quality time with my kids, it’s the best time!
Professionally, the excitement of working with project partners and clients on interesting projects, where we can provide really good value through collaboration, advice and inputs for decisions. An outcome that changes how a building is used for work or life, considering sustainable options is really exiting!
5. Pineapple on pizza: yes or no?
No, but I’m almost a fence sitter for this. Strong childhood memories of our whole family eating Hawaiian Pizza, but Melbourne pizza has changed my mind with the range of quality and variety.
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