End of year message from Andrew Fraser, CEO

As we farewell a year unlike any other, our team have reflected on 2020, and the 26th year of BSE!

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While we don’t know exactly what 2021 has instore, our team’s passion for projects, adaptability and courage in moving forward will make it an adventure worth having.

Personal note from CEO, Andrew Fraser:

Never has the support of our team members, our clients and our project partners been as essential to BSE as they have been this year. I wrote of 2019 being a year of growth and change and it turns out that 2020 has been a year of endurance and conviction.

Our incredible teams have continued to deliver outstanding project results whilst adapting to the new norms. Most importantly we have all still been able to squeeze in some fun!

BSE’s primary areas of growth in 2020 have been:
• the opening of our new Adelaide multi-discipline office
• The formation of a dedicated national ICT team to expand and enhance our existing ICT service offerings, and
• The formation of our new national Acoustics team

It has been a challenging year for all of us and I am incredibly proud of how our teams, leaders and Directors have adapted, innovated and adjusted to keep BSE steady and stable which has enabled us to meet all of our commitments.

I wish our clients and project partners a happy Christmas and a safe and hopeful New Year!
— Andrew Fraser