Chullora marketplace

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Chullora marketplace has undergone many alterations and additions since its original construction as single storey Woolworths and Big W standalone buildings in 1980. An additional 5,000m2 of retail space was constructed in 1998 and the building was extended in 2012 to include Aldi and other speciality retail. This most recent project involved the re-development of the existing Big W tenancy to accommodate a new Coles, other major retailer and prepare the site for a future re-development.

Scope delivered

BSE’s team delivered electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, fire protection and ESD services for a complete diligence/ condition audit report and then design documentation.

This included staging to maintaining operation during the proposed works, D&C delivery for the Coles fitout and full design of the base building upgrades and other tenancies.

Project Lead: Stuart Johnson

Project results

The project team worked with the facilities team to ensure the existing centre could maintain in operation during the upgrade works.

The initial inspection identified non-compliant electrical infrastructure for life safety services supplies. This obstacle was removed as part of the remedy works. Existing water supply to site was not sufficient for required high hazard sprinkler system, BSE was able to negotiate with Sydney Water to determine available pressure and flow and redundant reservoir connections to avoid upgrade of water supply (i.e. avoided pumps and tanks).

The fire systems required utilisation and reconfiguration of existing sprinkler and fire detection zones to avoid upgrades to isolation valves and FIP respectively, and the electrical team were able to utilise existing substations to avoid costly upgrade to substation by relocating and balancing electrical load over the available main switchboards.