Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex



The Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex site is located in Wattle Ridge Road, Hill Top. The design service was to complete the 50m and 500m Ranges to be designed under this Agreement will be used to provide shooting facilities that are: fit for purpose, compliant with NSW Firearms Registry regulations and meet the applicable requirements for each match listed in the Range Design Brief.

Shooting complex used rainwater storage tanks for their water supply and had their own waste facilities.

This project was completed for NSW Government Office of Sport.


The Tender Document prepared under this Agreement is for the purpose of calling tenders and awarding a contract for the Design and Construction of alterations and additions to the partly completed 500m and 50m ranges at the SHRSC.

BSE completed the hydraulic and electrical services documentation for this project which involved the design of an onsite waste water disposal system, rainwater reuse for drinking and non-potable use as well as a off grid PV system with battery storage.