• Mechanical

  • Electrical

  • Lifts Services

SUMMARY: BSE designed the mechanical, electrical, and lifts services for The Kings School Science Learning Centre, located in North Parramatta, Included are 18 state-of-the-art student laboratories; a dedicated tertiary research centre designed to PC2 standards and LED lighting.


The Kings School Science Learning Centre, located in North Parramatta, NSW, represents cutting edge of design to encourage and educate the next generation of scientists, architects, engineers and builders. Included are 18 state-of-the-art student laboratories; a dedicated tertiary research centre designed to PC2 standards and LED lighting. The building’s energy usage is controlled and monitored via a KNX-based management system. The building has a 20 Kw photovoltaic system installed that also acts as a student learning point. The project involved a holistic approach to sustainability, design and implementation to have a positive impact on the economic and social aspects of the school and wider community.


BSE designed the mechanical, electrical and lifts services which incorporate automated window systems with sophisticated controls to ensure air conditioning system usage is minimised.


A key feature in the project is the nominated “learning points” throughout the building, which illustrate to the students how the building services work and what they look like. Each laboratory is designed to maximise occupant comfort and attentiveness while dramatically reducing energy consumption. The facility showcases the building’s sustainable technologies and provides live data for students to study. Sitting in a laboratory, or walking through the atrium, students are immersed in a smart building which explains itself as t cleverly optimises the internal environment. This project was a Finalise in the 2014 Buildings and Structures category at the Sydney Engineering Excellence Awards (SEEA).